1st Intensive Specialist Course:The Legal National and International Aspects of the Protection, Management and Promotion of the Cultural Heritage
Funded By:
Development of an Architectural Heritage Institute in Jerusalem
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 This Course was started on April 26th , 2009 , and completed on April 28 , 2009 . the training was carried out at welfare Association in Ramallah to enable west bank’s participants to attend the course .over 43 applications were received and 23candidates were selected according to a especial criteria , five of these candidates from the Gaza strip were not able to obtain permit to enter Jerusalem.


The themes of the course were as the following:

  • International Codifications
  • International Standards
  • Rights and International Obligations of Member States
  • International Cooperation
  • Legal Framework
  • Structure of the Law
  • Holistic Approach
  • Legislative Coordination
  • Protection, Management and Promotion
  • Legislative framework
  • Institutional framework
  • Legal definition of the Cultural Heritage
  • Protection



At the conclusion of the course , the participants were enable to:

  • Identify the scope of the international Legal framework in the Protection, the Management and the Promotion of the Cultural Heritage
  • Understand the international Cooperation mechanisms for a better protection of the National Cultural Heritage and the restitution of the stolen or illegally exported cultural objects
  • Identify the needs and the scope of the International obligations to implement ratified conventions
  • Assimilate the constitutive elements of an adequate legislation on the Protection, the Management and the Promotion of the Cultural Heritage
  • Assimilate a new approach in the codification of the Protection, the Management and the Promotion of the Cultural Heritage
  • Identify the scope of the National Regulations concerning the Protection of the National Cultural Heritage in some Arab Countries
  • Understand the main protection measures and the objectives of the National Regulations
  • Evaluate the Institutional framework
  • Comparative analysis with the Palestinian Legislation